Why i Tri!
So why do I do this crazy sport? And why do i need three different sports to train for.. why not focus on just one? Well… first, i am a bit ADD (as they call it these days)… i get bored quickly and three different sports tends to cure that:). Second… well.. as you can see by the photos below I had to find something to help keep me in shape and training for triathlons tends to do the trick.
Not too long ago i was pushing 245 pounds (YIKES) and really had no idea how to eat right or how to exercise. The 20/20 program at the Pro Sports Club fixed that about 4 years ago (basically think of “America’s Biggest Loser", except you pay them money to yell at you vs. trying to win some money.) I have been around 175-180 pounds since the program and i feel great! Yikes! I never want to feel or look like that EVER again!
A few years ago i stumbled on to cycling… something i loved doing back in collage but gave up when i got out of shape. Cycling was great but I wanted something that was a bit more goal oriented. My friend Doug Thompson had just completed his first Ironman and talked me into joining a new triathlon team that his coach was forming… so i did. I joined team JFT2 and started learning about the sport. When i competed in my first triathlon last year i didn’t know how to swim(really.. i managed to breast stroke and float on my back around the course!) and i hadn’t ran in about 18 months… it was a bit painful but i made it to the finish line and fell in love with the sport of triathlon. Now at the start of my second season i have started to figure out what i am doing and this year i will be competing in my first Half Ironman race (Lake Stevens 70.3) and my first full Ironman (Ironman Arizona November.)
Training ride on the Lake Stevens 1/2 IM course on the QR (thanks to Triumph Multisport!)
Your teammate,